Event Recordings, Interviews, and More

Articles and Written Interviews



On his book A Synthesizing Mind: A Memoir from the Creator of Multiple Intelligences Theory

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Times Higher Education

“Howard Gardner: teach students how to ‘synthesise’, not memorise”

Father of multiple intelligences theory says pursuit of deep inquiry is ‘a foolish investment’ in today’s AI-driven world.

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The Heights (Boston College)

The Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College hosted a conversation with Andy Hargreaves and Howard Gardner moderated by Valerie Strauss of the Washington Post. (Video of event posted under videos)

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Psychology Today

Inside the Mind of Howard Gardner
by Dinesh Sharma Ph.D

“Scranton natives Joe Biden and Howard Gardner were neighbors yet never met.”

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The Boston Globe

“Why is one particular intellectual capacity valued over so many other worthy qualities, like compassion, honesty, courage, and common sense?”

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The Washington Post

Valerie Strauss writes about Howard Gardner’s new memoir in this article.

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Harvard Magazine

Off the Shelf: Recent books with Harvard connections

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Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative Social Impact Review

Professor Howard Gardner Discusses His Memoir, A Synthesizing Mind, with 2020 Harvard ALI Fellow R. Bruce Rich

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Fondazione Reggio Children

Professor Gardner presents a new type of human mind – the synthesizing mind of the title -while reflecting on his intellectual development and his ground-breaking work, tracing his evolution from bookish child to eager college student to disengaged graduate student to Harvard professor.

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Hunter College

The Frumkes Center for Writing and Culture welcomed Howard Gardner, developmental psychologist and the John H. and Elisabeth A. Hobbs Research Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.

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United Sigma Intelligence Association (USIA)

In this video interview with the USIA, Howard Gardner discusses intelligences and the synthesizing mind.

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Design for Change

Join Kiran Bir Sethi in a conversation with none other than Dr. Howard Gardner as they discuss insights from his latest book - A Synthesizing Mind.

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The MIT Press

Author Talk with Howard Gardner

“Reflecting now on his own mind, he concludes that his is a “synthesizing mind”—with the ability to survey experiences and data across a wide range of disciplines and perspectives.”

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The Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College

The Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College hosted a conversation with Andy Hargreaves and Howard Gardner moderated by Valerie Strauss of the Washington Post.

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The Royal Institution

What Does It Mean to Be Intelligent? An interview with Howard Gardner.

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How To Academy

Howard Gardner joins How To Academy to reflect upon a life dedicated to understanding our capacities for intellectual development, from the Multiple Intelligences Theory to his continuing investigations of the human mind and how it works – particularly in ethics and the creative arts.

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New Books Network

In this episode, Howard Gardner joins host Galina Limorenko to discuss A Synthesizing Mind.

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On this episode, Bernard Bull speaks with Howard Gardner. In addition to being a central influence on Bernard’s own work and scholarship in education, Gardner is one of the most influential educational theorists and scholars in the last century. The conversation focuses upon Howard’s book A Synthesizing Mind and his latest book (co-authored with Wendy Fischman), The Real World of College: What Higher Education Is and What It Can Be.

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New Books Network

In this interview, Howard Gardner joins Jonathan Haber to discuss A Synthesizing Mind.

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Economist Radio: Babbage

In this episode, host Kenneth Cukier unravels the inner workings of the human mind with psychologist Howard Gardner and neuroscientist David Eagleman. If there are multiple intelligences, what happens when they work together?

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Constructing Modern Knowledge

Harvard Professor and MacArthur Genius Dr. Howard Gardner joined Gary Stager and several hundred educators for a conversation about his new book, “A Synthesizing Mind – A Memoir from the Creator of Multiple Intelligences Theory,” and other topics.

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Cody Kommers

“In this conversation Kommers talks about Gardner’s interdisciplinary education, his non-traditional path in academia, the principles of the "synthesizing mind," when to break the rules and when to follow them, and how to connect with one's deeper humanity.”

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Cambridge Forum

Immerse yourself with Howard Gardner and his latest book, A Synthesizing Mind.

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Boston Book Festival

A novelist and essayist, a computer scientist, and a scholar of human development discuss their lives and intellectual development.

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EdSurge Podcast

Howard Gardner on His Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Lessons for COVID-19 Era

by Jeffrey R. Young, and one of EdSurge’s top ten podcasts of 2020!

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